Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhter Rizvi
Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhter Rizvi

Born: 1st Rajab, 1345 / 5th January, 1927
Died: 20th June 2002 (8th Rabi-ul-Aakhar 1423)

A faqih and muhaddith, an expert in tafseer and scholastic theology, a rijali and historian, an author and speaker, a poet and a linguist.

His sincere zeal, armed with these qualities, has made him one of the greatest Muballighs the Shia world has ever known. He initiated the plan of tabligh among Africans; is a Founder and Chief Missionary of Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania. His books and correspondence have been instrumental in spreading the Orignal Islam from Philippines to Guyana.

Before him Tabligh among Africans was taboo; his endeavours have turned in into a badge of honour; and now many youths spend their times in various Tabligh activities. He speaks and writes in Urdu, English, Arabic, Persian and Kiswahili; and knows Hindi and Gujarati.

More than one hundred books are to his credit; some of them have been translated into seventeen languages. He has been given Ijazah by fourteen Grand Ayatullahs for Riwayah, Qazawah, and Umur-e-hasbiyah